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Artist Services

Prepare Your Music

Take all of the necessary steps to success before you distribute your next release. Whether you need feedback, licensing, or mastering, we’ve got you covered.

Find what stands out in your music - get your songs reviewed by real fans.

Choose from custom or instant mastering from experienced engineers.

Get cover song licensing to sell cover songs quickly, easily and legally.

Money when you need it, no hassle, no negotiation.

Get Ready To Sell Your Music

Get everything covered before you get your music to digital stores – stock up on physical copies of your next release, design your website, or start earning money from your music on YouTube.

Get paid for allowing Facebook to use your music across their platforms.

Your all-in-one stop for pressing and distribution.

Earn money any time someone uploads your music to YouTube.

Stock up on physical copies of your music to sell at your next live show.

Promote Your Music

Once your music is out there, make sure it gets heard. Promote yourself to new listeners, and connect with your existing fans from home or on the road.

Schedule posts, connect with fans and analyze your engagement stats with M Music Net.